AP Exams

So what are AP courses? They are designed to give you the experience of an intro-level college class while you're still in high school. Plus, you can get college credit for the class if you pass the AP exam. 

An AP exam is basically a test of all that you learn in an AP class. You will typically earn college credit if you pass the exam given at the end of the year in May. (AP tests are scored between 1 and 5, with anything above 3 considered passing.) Each college, and some departments within the colleges, accept different scores. Check with your college!

Students should ask their AP teacher to sign them up for the exam which takes place in May. The deadline for signing up is October 27. There is a fee reduction with income-specific guidelines. If your family is facing a hardship, please see your counselor.

What is the difference between AP and Dual Credit

The decision as to whether or not to sign up for AP exam should be determined by family and college/university attending.


All fees for 1st semester and year long courses are collected when each student makes the decision to sign up on their Collegeboard account before October 11, 2025.  2nd semester classes deadline is in March.  It is the decision of Collegeboard, not AHS, that the sign up is so early in the year.  There is no refunds for students who drop the class early or change their mind.